Joseph would be the first to admit that exercise wasn’t something he enjoyed. In fact, it was something that he avoided. His diet was not up to scratch with too much fast food and his weight had gradually crept up over a few years.
Lockdown 2020 was a turning point for Joseph
Stationed more at home, Joseph began to clean up his diet and began training alongside his mum.
The result, Joseph started feeling better and looking better. With initial results came greater adherence and for Joseph, this discipline has become a way of life. From not exercising for months on end, nowadays the clink clank of dumbbells can be heard of an evening between his weekly sessions.
As his trainer, watching Joseph completely change his body has been extremely gratifying to see. His strength has improved, his exercise technique has progressed, but it is actually his adherence which I have found most impressive.
Upon returning to work after lockdown, Joseph reported of colleagues genuinely ‘double-taking’ as the man they had last seen had been shrunk in half!
But as you can see from the photos, Joseph looks healthier, his shape has greatly improved and he is much happier in and with his body.
Keep up the great work Joseph!!