Every January, Dynamic Fitness Training, like lots of other gyms and personal trainers receive a greater number of enquiries. New clients looking to get fit after an over-indulgence during the festive period and to take control of their long-ignored exercise and nutrition routine.
Whilst it is wonderful that finally the penny has dropped let me tell you why now is the best time to exercise.
1. Beat the crowds
The influx of new clients and the re-emergence of old clients during the January period means that many are fighting for the same time slots of a personal trainer. By training during these autumn months, you have your routine in place so that the new year just becomes a continuation of your good habits.
2. Media manipulation
Starting in January is wonderful for the levels of support you’ll receive. TV programmes and newspapers will be awash with healthy eating plans, workout routines etc. As you embark on a journey, this is a powerful tool. However, come February and this all dries up. But that’s not it, all you hear about is how: the January newcomers have already given up. This, at a time when you may be having your first blips. This constant negative reinforcement makes summoning your own motivation that bit harder.
3. Don’t just pre-empt Xmas damage, reduce it
Training during the autumn months means that you will be training during the hectic social circus that rolls its alcohol-fuelled bandwagon through the month of December. Whilst some observers may view that you can burn some of the calories you’ll consume by exercising, here’s another thought. Those who are already committed to their training, will likely consume less anyway. It’s a double-whammy. Damage limitation plus damage correction. Wouldn’t it be great to get through to January without the first weeks being a chore of repentance.
4. See the benefits
The reasons that people come to a personal trainer will be wide and varied – but many boil down to the rather basic concept of looking and feeling better. So here is another incentive. The inevitable summer holiday that will be the focus for many clients – feel free to insert any personal alternative – wedding, party, 50th celebration etc etc. However, you look on that day, if you start now instead of January, you’ll look two months better than you would have. The impact those two months can make will be huge. Don’t leave them in the ‘to do’ list.
So, for any readers who are currently training, know that your work will not be going unrewarded. Every session, every weight you lift, every metre you row will be making an impact that you will see and feel in the lighter, brighter times.
If you are debating whether to train or whether to start up in January like the rest, be decisive, be bold and start now. Your January self will be very grateful that you did.
To get ahead of the masses and get your fitness on track before the New Year,